When you arrive…
1. Pay a visit to Sylvie (between 10.30-11.30am works better for her) so all your admin work, including the very important email address, is underway and grab a notebook and office supplies from her.
2. Email Vaso from your epfl account. She will provide access to slack and the online calendar. She will also let you know in which room number will be your desk.
3. Stop by Stephane to get a key for your office. He requires a CHF50 fee that he will return to you when you give the key back. He will give you a form – keep this form in a safe place if you want your money back.
During your time in the lab
1. The preferred method of communication between the members of the lab is by email or by texting through slack.
2. Analysis of data and important information should be stored in the common folder \\sti1files.epfl.ch\ine\ine-commun. In this server there are also some manuals and bibliography to get you started.
3. Choose your personal color and make sure you fill the calendar with your work activities/absences regularly so common meeting times can be pre-determined.
4. It is a fundamental requirement to clean after yourselves in the lab and to have the lab tidy at all times. Due to the high precision of our research studies, any cross-contamination of samples is detrimental.
5. Please make sure you record ALL your absences at absences.epfl.ch. This is for EPFL safety issues.
Before you depart…
1. Leave your notebook to another member of the lab.
2. Make sure your samples are safely stored away and the lab is free from your things.
3. Clear your personal data from the computers and common folder. All work-related data need to be well organized and remain within the lab.