Semester Projects | Spring 2025

(can be adapted to Bachelor or Master level)

Sample preparation for imaging of gas diffusion electrodes for CO2 electrolyzers

Gas diffusion electrodes (GDEs) is a component used in many electrochemical systems and they consist of a porous layer on which the catalyst layer is deposited. To optimize the design of GDEs for use in CO2 electrolyzers it is necessary to characterize their microstructure using electron microscopy techniques such as TEM and FIB-SEM tomography, which require specific sample preparation. The objective of this project is to perform and develop sample preparation protocols such as epoxy embedding, microtomy to obtain cross-sections, and atomic layer deposition (ALD) of oxides for pore infiltration. The ALD will be performed in the cleanroom.

Contact: Ms. Richa Rajadhyax
Evaluation of methods for 4D-STEM data processing

Four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) is an advanced technique that allows 2D diffraction patterns to be recorded over a 2D scan region, resulting in big datasets. These local diffraction patterns are encoded with information about the structure (crystallography), the electric charges, or magnetic fields, depending on the sample of interest. The aim of this project is to develop a data processing protocol by coding in Python or by using custom scripts in DigitalMicrograph. The student will investigate different data processing methods, such as center of mass and template matching, and explore the effects of using different filtering strategies. Coding skills are preferred but not required.

Contact: Mr. Pierpaolo Ranieri
Electrochemical characterization of iridium-based catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction

Iridium oxide is a benchmark catalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) due to its exceptional activity and stability. However, despite extensive research, the precise catalytic mechanism remains unclear. In situ techniques, such as liquid-phase electron microscopy (LPEM), are crucial for revealing surface-level processes. This project focuses on the electrochemical characterization of iridium-based catalysts using cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry, with a particular emphasis on the pH dependence of OER. The student will conduct a series of electrochemical measurements and ultimately employ electron microscopy (EM) to study surface processes on the catalyst. Prior experience with electrochemical methods or electron microscopy is recommended.

Contact: Ms. Elizaveta Shcherbacheva
Studying electrochemical behavior of Cu nanocatalysts during CO2 electroreduction reaction in microcells

Liquid-phase electron microscopy allows real-time monitoring of the structural and morphological evolution of catalysts under reaction conditions. Accurate interpretation of in situ data requires a series of benchtop and ex situ control experiments. This project aims to investigate the electrochemical behavior of Cu nanocatalysts using techniques such as linear sweep voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry to verify the accuracy of in situ TEM experimental data. Previous hands-on experience with electrochemical techniques is preferred for this project.

Contact: Ms. Saltanat Toleukhanova
Understanding geothermal hydrogen production

Geothermal hydrogen production relies on complex chemical reactions involving minerals that capture CO₂ and evolve hydrogen, making it a promising area of research for renewable energy. However, the specific morphological, structural and chemical transformations that these minerals undergo remain poorly understood. The objective of this project is to conduct a literature review on the chemical pathways of geothermal hydrogen evolution, focusing on minerals such as olivine, nickel sulfide alloys, and oxides. The review will provide a basis for liquid phase electron microscopy studies investigating hydrogen evolution in these minerals at elevated temperatures (~180°C). The student could also be involved in preliminary experiments performed on the bench (ex situ) for evaluating the functionality of all components (hardware and software) for heating these materials in liquids.

Contact: Dr. Louis-Marie Lebas